Mittwoch, 20. März 2013

12 Google Reader Alternatives

03/20/2013 The scramble is on. With news today that Google Reader is shutting down on July 1st, its users are on the hunt for a solid RSS reader alternatives.

Here are some options you might want to consider if you are a Google Reader user:

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Google Reader 03/18/2013 Google Reader is closing in July, IMO this is not a good move for Google.

Blog Posts That Get Attention 03/14/2013 Blogs are now a dime a dozen, and bloggers need to make their blog posts stand out. Developing a blog following is not as easy as it once was. Learn how to write blog posts that attract readers and retain their attention. Follow these guidelines to cultivate readers...

Blog Posts that Get Attention

10 Social Media Fears to Overcome 03/13/2013 Are any of these reasons stopping you from using social media for your business?

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4 RSS News Aggregators for Android 03/12/2013 The beauty of smartphones and tablets running Android today can only be appreciated by looking at the apps it offers.  While offering many other features, one group of apps  available for tablets and smartphones are the so-called news aggregator apps that gives almost instant around the clock news access. If you are the type who wants to know whats happening around the world in an instant, news sources will be at your fingertips by getting any of the news aggregator apps that we will be discussing below.


Facebook Complaints 03/11/2013 On Monday, Facebook put up a blog post saying engagement has gone up 34 percent on posts from people who have more than 10,000 followers. But Facebook did not share real numbers or metrics, leaving people guessing what 34 percent actually equals.

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I Work on the Internet Cartoon 03/08/2013

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